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S. Korea-China relations continue to worsen over THAAD deployment #okc #news #wth

중국 사드 배치 강력반발, 한중관계 격하 수순+중국 쇼핑 사이트 징동닷컴 롯데마트관 전격폐쇄 사드보복 본격화 China is upping the ante in its war of words with South Korea over the upcoming deployment to the Korean peninsula of a powerful piece of U.S. military hardware. Chinese state media has even suggested that Beijing should consider cutting diplomatic ties with the South Korean government to protest the move. Ji Myung-kil has more. China is reacting with anger and boycott threats as South Korea presses on with the planned deployment of the THAAD missile defense system. "China will take measures to protect its interests and security. Any consequences entailed by THAAD will be borne by South Korea and the U.S." The Chinese Communist Party's official People's Daily went one step further,... saying Beijing should consider the possibility of severing diplomatic ties with Seoul. The newspaper also slammed the South Korean government for not taking China's opposition to THAAD seriously enough. China has been intensifying its rhetoric over the past 48 hours after the South Korean military and Lotte Group finalized a land-swap deal to secure land in Seongju County that will be home to the THAAD battery. As Seoul and Washington seek to complete the deployment within this year... China says the missile defense system will do nothing to ease tensions with North Korea. The economic pressure is increasing as well,.. especially for Lotte Group. Jingdong, one of the largest online retailers in China, has cancelled its business partnerships with the South Korean retail giant. The two firms had been working together since 2015. The unexplained cancellation is seen as a retaliatory move to boycott South Korean companies over the THAAD deployment. South Korea and the U.S. say the THAAD system will protect the South from North Korea's increasing nuclear and missile threats. Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News. Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages Facebook(NEWS): Homepage: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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