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The devil the micro chip, Christian persecution. Welcome to the UN. NWO

Obama has been putting everything in place for the United Nations, and shadow government. And now there is only one thing standing in their way, and they are the true saints of GOD. It does not matter who becomes the next president of the USA, and i even doubt that it will go accordingly. Something big is just around the corner now, something so big that it will take the entire nation of the USA by surprise, and probably the world. If the country falls into anarchy, i believe the UN will decide who will control the USA. There are so many UN military vehicles and tanks being stored on US soil now, it isn't funny. AND THEY KNOW WHAT IS COMING, BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONE'S BEHIND WHAT EVER IT IS. JUST LIKE 9-11. Nevertheless ! they will not get everything there own way, because GOD is in total control, he will allow, and disallow all things. The most important thing, is to stay close to the Lord at all times. Luke 10:19 ► I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.


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