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9 Things That COULD Happen if Trump Builds "The Wall"! #okc #news #wth

So what exactly would happen if President Donald Trump actually built "The Wall"?! Learn all about the possible effects of a giant wall separating the United States and Mexico! Subscribe to Pablito’s Way! New videos Monday, Tuesday, and Friday! New to Pablito's Way? Start here! Watch some of my favorite vids below….. Most Insane Mayweather Moments! WEIRDEST Things Ever Found in Animals! 9 of the WORST diseases EVER! Assassinations That CHANGED the World! The Hottest Female Athletes! 11 Most Ridiculous Purchases by Floyd "Money" Mayweather! Here are 9 things that could happen if Trump builds “The wall!” 9 - The Wall becomes a tourist attraction According to Donald Trump, the wall will be at least 35 feet tall and 2,000 miles long. That’s not nearly as long as the Great Wall of China, which is 13,000 miles, but it would be higher. The Great Wall was only 26 feet tall at its highest points, a good 10 feet shorter than the Trump Wall. And still, it’s one of the great tourist attractions of China. Another popular wall- turned-attraction was the Berlin Wall, which was around 12 feet tall and ran about 66 miles. Anytime you build something so massive, people are going to want to get a look at it. Two things that make the Berlin Wall and the Great Wall of China better tourist attractions are their accessibility. You can walk on the Great Wall, and West Berliners could walk right up to the Berlin Wall and paint on it. That might not be the case for the Trump wall. Americans may be able to get close, but they sure won’t get to walk on it. Although, with the cost of maintaining the wall, Customs and Border Protection may start offering paid tours. In areas like Tijuana the wall will go through urban areas. Right now there’s an ugly corrugated metal wall, but a shiny concrete wall might attract the kind of artists that decorated the Berlin Wall, maybe on both sides. 8 - The Wall goes way over budget Trump estimated that the wall would cost anywhere 4 billion to 12 billion dollars; the numbers keep changing. Well, the wall will be 35 feet high and 2,000 miles long. Building experts estimate 10 billion dollars for the concrete panels, 5 billion for steel columns to hold the panels (including labor) and another 1 billion for concrete footings and foundation. That’s 16 billion dollars before taking transportation costs into account. You also have to build new roads to accommodate trucks hauling concrete and steel to remote desert areas. Let’s say that costs 2 billion dollars. Now add 30 percent for the management costs, engineering, and design. That makes 23.4 billion dollars if everything goes according to budget. Now, when’s the last time any major government project came anywhere near the budget? And that’s just building the wall. It also has to be maintained. The Congressional budget office estimates the costs of maintaining the wall would exceed the building costs in 7 years. Oh, and you have to staff it. Even with only one person per mile, that takes 2,000 officers per shift - all federal workers with pensions and everything. Whew. 7 - The Wall Only Stops Half What do we mean when we stay it only stops half? Around half of the people that are in the United States illegally came into the country through an airport or official border crossing, all perfectly legal. They just didn’t leave when their thirty day visa ran out. A wall won’t stop these people. Obviously, there’s no guarantee that a wall would stop every illegal person coming from Mexico either. During the Cold War, over 1200 people directly escaped East Germany every year, despite a massive wall, shoot to kill orders, and a secret service system keeping tabs on everybody and their dog. People are pretty ingenious, and if there’s a will, there’s a way. The sheer length of the US border will make it hard to control the entire stretch, and you can take a short boat trip around either end. And there are always tunnels. Israel, another wall building nation, has detected at least 30 tunnels under walls in its Gaza strip. Some of the tunnels have been miles long, 60 feet underground, and big enough to ride a motorcycle through. Hey, there may be job openings for Palestinian tunnel diggers in Mexico!


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