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Super Hysterical, Incoherent, Obnoxious, Deranged Trump Protestor: "He's MORE Dangerous Than Hitler" #okc #news #wth

Tucker Carlson faced off with a fine mix of paranoia and arrogance in Sunsara Taylor from "Refuse Fascism". She's a protest organizer who's trying to drive President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence from power. Taylor said that Trump and Pence are operating out of "Hitler's playbook" and her group is refusing to accept a "fascist America." "This is a danger to humanity. And yes, it's in its early stages, but people need to rise up and stop it before it is too late," Taylor said. Tucker argued that if she truly believed Trump was like Hitler, then she wouldn't be appearing on a television show, she'd be committing acts of violence. This is what the Borg-like collective known as the modern American left looks like — and it isn’t pretty. Fox News' Tucker Carlson tried to have a civil debate with Sunsara Taylor, who apparently has such a limited vocabulary that all she can say is “Nazi,” and “Hitler.” According to Taylor, her group is refusing to accept a “fascist America.” And in order to achieve her goal, she wants a coup d’etat to drive Trump out of office. “This is a danger to humanity. And yes, it’s in its early stages, but people need to rise up and stop it before it is too late,” she said. “We’re facing an emergency. Humanity is facing an emergency. A fascist regime has seized the reigns of power in the most powerful, actually the sole super power of the world. Trump and Pence are operating out of Hitler’s playbook, only they have nuclear weapons,” was another one of her gems.


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